The Year in Review

A Note from Donna...
Cecily and I met in graduate school in Washington, DC. We studied art history as undergraduates and were continuing our studies at the graduate level. Our love of art, food, and wine cemented our friendship. We dreamed of one day having an art gallery and sharing our passion with others, but the cost of a physical gallery proved prohibitive.  

We both moved to Europe and although we lived in different countries, we kept in touch. Our dream of an art collaboration remained.
Enter, 2015. Finally, our dream became a reality. We decided to follow in the footsteps of other online art platforms and D+C Contemporary was born.
D+C Contemporary consists of two parts, a boutique online gallery representing a handful of international artists and the district: contemporary art journal, our online art blog. We launched both parts in October of this year. In our blog, we highlighted artists from Australia, Germany, South Africa, Sweden, and the U.S. On our gallery, we featured Joshua D Neidermeier in October and Carolina Mayorga in November.

We are looking forward to a full year of exhibitions in 2016 where we will expand to bring you more of the things we love: art & travel, art & wine, and art from multiple countries. We welcome you to join us on our international art journey. Please follow us on Twitter, Instagram, and Pinterest. Tell your friends and family about D+C Contemporary.

Have a great New Year & remember to support the arts!

A Note from Cecily...

What an amazing year, I cannot believe it has come to an end so quickly!
To think D+C Contemporary started from a creative Skype chat and has grown into a contemporary online gallery and art blog. We are definitely inspired by the Artsy and ArtStack platforms, and also love online galleries such as ArtShare, Tappan Collective and The Agora Culture. Similar in method, our goal is to contribute to online art galleries and platforms with a transcultural approach. We know so many amazing, talented, emerging, and established artists, curators and collectors from the States, but we are excited because by living abroad our network has expanded.

We had the opportunity to attend three international art biennials this year. Donna travelled the farthest from Germany to Cuba and I attended two that took place right here in Sweden. You can see highlights from our experiences at 2015: Biennial Highlights. The next online exhibition takes place early in the year and features an artist from Durham, NC. His works celebrate the music industry and also examine American pop culture. We will share more details during the holiday season.

The District: Contemporary Art Journal has several essays featuring artists from around the world and we have new essays in the pipeline. There are artists from Scandinavia, Washington DC, Chicago IL, and Durham, NC whose stories I am super excited to share. We will also launch a new series titled Conversation with the Collector. So far, we have a collector from Washington, DC and one from Mariestad, Sweden. Donna and I will share bits of our collection as well. Inspired by our travels, we have started a new series titled Art Travels – there you can read more about Donna’s experience in Cuba. Later in the year, we will launch a podcast that focuses on art and wine. 

We want to say thank you to all of the artrepreneurs, curators, and collectors that inspire us. In 2015 we were just warming up. 2016 promises to be even more exciting, so stay tuned!!   

Wishing you all a happy, healthy holiday season and New Year!